Pakistan today faces a plethora of development problems, which are all intricately interlinked. In my opinion, the biggest development challenge in Pakistan is the lack of employment opportunities.
While many would argue that education is the biggest challenge, yet we find an overwhelming lot of educated young people unemployed and keenly in search of decent and befitting means of livelihood. Today Pakistan is experiencing a youth bulge where 60 % of our population is below 18. Continued unemployment will drive towards catastrophic ends. Prevalent lack of proper job opportunities leads to inability to access the basic necessitates of education, health, nutrition, and other opportunities. Unemployment germinates a extensive sense of frustration in the population, which eventually leads to crippling law and order situation, as we are witnessing in Pakistan. Disappointment and aggravation resulting from unemployment is leading a significant number of Pakistanis to be played in the hands of terrorists and extremist elements.
Interestingly, it is the widespread unemployment in Pakistan which makes education an unattractive proposition. Moreover, due to moral turpitude and exhibiting corruption and nepotism, the limited numbers of jobs in the economy are handed over on the basis other than merit. . Consequently, inefficiency prevails. This further stifles growth and development, leading to more unemployment and lack of opportunities. The same is more evident in government circles at all levels of state structures. Poor governance rules country, making public service delivery and creation of opportunities far from desired. The ensuing lack of economic development fuels further provocation, making shortcuts and illegal activities for unemployed a rewarding alternative. The deteriorating law and order, fraud, corruption, institutional hindrances are all result of poor governance, and ultimately set path for fragile economic base and poor infrastructure. Moreover, all these factors build towards a disconnect from global world failing to attract any significant investment and other economic bonds which are indispensable for growth, job creation, and social and economic development in today’s international set up.
Job creation, thus, becomes a key component for any meaningful and sustainable development. For one, improving law and order situation is a mandatory step towards this objective. Good governance becomes a key factor for setting up a result-oriented environment towards development solutions. A knowledge-based policy making and merit-based administration will surely start bearing fruits immediately. Furthermore, while all these recommended solutions (primarily in the domain of government) are highly needed, it should be underlined that adjusting the huge pool of current, and soon-to-be, unemployed people is a mammoth task even for the government, and innovative measures are needed for solutions. In this regard, promoting entrepreneurship can be a highly promising intervention. Our youth has all the dynamism and wisdom to generate self-employment, with a little initial support.
Private sector can play a very crucial role in these lines of recommended solutions. Vocational training, financial support through microfinance and SMEs, and establishing intimate professional working environment with people having entrepreneurial spark can turn out prosperous solutions magically. Already there have been some successful examples locally and internationally. Civil society can equally support these solutions by discouraging malpractices, nepotism, and extremism, and by promoting harmonious economic and social conditions.
Employment opportunities generating from these positive steps, and their resulting conducive foundation for merit-based jobs, will eventually take care of plethora of other development problems of the country.
While many would argue that education is the biggest challenge, yet we find an overwhelming lot of educated young people unemployed and keenly in search of decent and befitting means of livelihood. Today Pakistan is experiencing a youth bulge where 60 % of our population is below 18. Continued unemployment will drive towards catastrophic ends. Prevalent lack of proper job opportunities leads to inability to access the basic necessitates of education, health, nutrition, and other opportunities. Unemployment germinates a extensive sense of frustration in the population, which eventually leads to crippling law and order situation, as we are witnessing in Pakistan. Disappointment and aggravation resulting from unemployment is leading a significant number of Pakistanis to be played in the hands of terrorists and extremist elements.
Interestingly, it is the widespread unemployment in Pakistan which makes education an unattractive proposition. Moreover, due to moral turpitude and exhibiting corruption and nepotism, the limited numbers of jobs in the economy are handed over on the basis other than merit. . Consequently, inefficiency prevails. This further stifles growth and development, leading to more unemployment and lack of opportunities. The same is more evident in government circles at all levels of state structures. Poor governance rules country, making public service delivery and creation of opportunities far from desired. The ensuing lack of economic development fuels further provocation, making shortcuts and illegal activities for unemployed a rewarding alternative. The deteriorating law and order, fraud, corruption, institutional hindrances are all result of poor governance, and ultimately set path for fragile economic base and poor infrastructure. Moreover, all these factors build towards a disconnect from global world failing to attract any significant investment and other economic bonds which are indispensable for growth, job creation, and social and economic development in today’s international set up.
Job creation, thus, becomes a key component for any meaningful and sustainable development. For one, improving law and order situation is a mandatory step towards this objective. Good governance becomes a key factor for setting up a result-oriented environment towards development solutions. A knowledge-based policy making and merit-based administration will surely start bearing fruits immediately. Furthermore, while all these recommended solutions (primarily in the domain of government) are highly needed, it should be underlined that adjusting the huge pool of current, and soon-to-be, unemployed people is a mammoth task even for the government, and innovative measures are needed for solutions. In this regard, promoting entrepreneurship can be a highly promising intervention. Our youth has all the dynamism and wisdom to generate self-employment, with a little initial support.
Private sector can play a very crucial role in these lines of recommended solutions. Vocational training, financial support through microfinance and SMEs, and establishing intimate professional working environment with people having entrepreneurial spark can turn out prosperous solutions magically. Already there have been some successful examples locally and internationally. Civil society can equally support these solutions by discouraging malpractices, nepotism, and extremism, and by promoting harmonious economic and social conditions.
Employment opportunities generating from these positive steps, and their resulting conducive foundation for merit-based jobs, will eventually take care of plethora of other development problems of the country.
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