Thursday, September 13, 2007

Getting better

As an asignment is due in a few hours, i wud keep it just as a note... recent past days here were very tough... there was some sort of disturbance.. and these were, in real terms, veryy deprerssing.. over the weekend, cornell-like boring place further aided the condition i was in.. but then i started this week in a good mood... despite that, there were sudden reversal ... aaj i taked to this best friend of mine, in Lahore.. i bought some online calling card esp. to talk to him... and Salu was a real help.. i felt good .. much better.. improved aftertalking to him...
and all seems like to get into place... I have cleaned up my room at his advise.. i liked the isea that ur state of mind starts reflecing into your environment..and also ur environmental settings effect ur metal state.. so the first thing he said was to make my immediate surrounding appeasing, relaxing and compfortable, and that will ultimately have a good effect on making myself comfortable with my SELF... and yes, it is working

by the way, today is 1st Ramazan.. Just had Sehree a little while ago.. mnyy thanks to this frnd who came around 5 am to wake me up in this chillly weather in Ithaca.. the sehree was great!

Lets get back to work man! aaj to assignment(of Int. Agrr. Dev. in "3rd" world counries) time pe aur fitt kar ke denee hey!

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